Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Jalair and Preslee's masterpiece!!!

What can I say???

Kirsten is going down!?!?!

Relaxing by the fire!

Doc LOVES the water...and mud!
It's been several years since we went up to the lake. We decided this year we really needed to!! Grandma and Grandpa Jones have fixed up the trailer, and made it so nice. We always have such a good time, just being together. We rented jet ski's and played on the beach. Dutch oven cooking is always a must.
Tye and Cash build a fantastic sand castle!!

Danny and Brit just enjoying the sun!

Jalair and Preslee working on their sandcastle. They even decorated it with sea shells!

Give me s'more!

Ryan and Doc. He LOVES the water!

Chillin' in the shade...

They love the jet ski...except Jalair. She is not a fan.

Poor Cash got sick. He ended up having heat stroke and had to stop at the hospital on the way home to get an IV. He sure had us all worried about him!

Doc actually fell asleep right there as Jalair rocked him!

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