Sunday, April 25, 2010

FFA Banquet

Tate had his FFA banquet where he gave his retiring speech as the 2009-10 vice-president. The song he had pictures go with was called "World Wide Open" by Love and Theft. He did an amazing job, and it was so fun to see the pictures of him growing up, and his FFA activities. His 2 teachers are Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Clegg. They have taught him so much and been a real support to him.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Merry Christmas...I mean Happy Easter! We woke up to several inches of snow! This year was conference week-end, so it was so nice to stay home, watch conference, and have Easter dinner. Brit and her kids were here this year, Emily and Meg and their families were in Hawaii.
Tate and his stuff...thanks, Easter Bunny!

Abush and his "basket"

Diamond Fork Rodeo Champion

Tate won the series this year. It is the last year he can compete in this series!


Outstanding Seniors

Tate was awarded an award for Outstanding Senior at his school. There were 10 kids from Spanish Fork High School who were awarded it, by the Kiwanis Club. They had a nice dinner for them at the Primrose Retreat, and then a speaker, and awards. What a proud mom I am!! Todd's pretty proud too! He is just an all around good kid!