Sunday, April 10, 2011

We are FAMILY!

Good thing we like each other so much...we sure spend alot of time together!

Jalair's Birthday Party!

ALOHA! Cash and Preslee came all dressed up in their hawaii gear!

Jalair got just what she wanted~!

Jalair had a Luau party! Complete with Hawaiian haystacks for dinner, and banana splits!!! yummy!

Kris at the Logan Temple

Kris went to the Logan temple. I am so proud of her!

Tazz's homecoming

Tazz served a 2 year mission in Arkansas~We are proud of him for sure!

roasting marshmellow's

Carson is getting pretty good at this!

Party...Party...Party !!!

Birthday Parties Galore!!! Carson had a "Superhero's" party. The kids all came dressed up! Even Brittney came dressed as SUPERMOM!

Cash and Grandpa had an "alien" party! Of course Emily dazzled us with her cupcakes!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chess Anyone????

Tyerell was in the chess tourmanent for Nebo School District. He had never competed like that before, and he did great! He took 3rd place and was able to compete at State!! He learned a lot, but the BEST part was when his opponant was ready to quit, Tye would help them to learn a new move......such a great kid!

We couldn't scream and cheer like we are used to doing....but we had fun watching him use his noggin!

Spending time at Grandma and Grandpa's

Emily flew to Hawaii to help Megan get all packed to move back to Utah! We had lots of fun while she was there! We read together, Ryan went to "Daddy Daughter Donut" night with Preslee, Grandpa made popcorn for the movies, and Cash wrestled around like usual!