Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Night 7

The guys really wanted to go and try out this new place called Podium Race Cars. It's an indoor track, with an arcade. Tate helped Carson win a few games, and the guys each got to race. Carson was too short, so he just got to sit in a car, and feel what it will be like when he can drive. They had sooooo much fun! It was so loud in there that you could hardly hear each other.
They loved it so much, they went back on another night too. They had a huge score board, that would show their speed, and what place they were in. There were about 10 cars in their race.
What a little STUD!

Abush CrAShed into the wall!!!!! He got a BIG cheer from the crowd~~~

ANdy was cool as a cucumber!

Tate's ready to go!

Todd's hoping to smoke 'em all!

Little man watching the race....

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