Monday, January 26, 2009

count your blessings

Some of you know that my mom's only brother, slipped and fell the first week of January. He broke his neck. He is paralyzed! When Todd and I went to visit him, he kept saying he felt blessed, and all I kept thinking was...How could things get any worse? Well, he was having a hard time breathing, and coughing, so they put in a trach..which means he has no voice now. Things just got worse! We try to read his lips, and if that doesn't work, we get out a chart with letters, and start trying to figure things out. This has been so hard to see him so helpless.
It has just made me think that I need to always be grateful for the situation, because it could ALWAYS be worse! I'm sure there is a reason and a lesson for us all to learn with my uncle's situation....sure hope we learn it soon! I think part of it is, we need to be grateful for the little things, like walking, and being able to feed ourselves, and being able to communicate! We just never know what is around the corner for each of us.


Mike & Cody said...

And grateful for good friends like you. Hang in there. I know sometimes we think our life is the worst. You're a champ and always have such a good attitude. I could learn alot from you. Love ya.

.:emily:. said...

So TRUE! And if Uncle J.Marlin can be grateful for his blessings in such a difficult time, then we would all be jerks to not be thankful for ours. Thanks for reminding us that we all have alot to be thankful for and so many blessings to count :D love yo