Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jeremy Anderson 1974-2008

November 17th was a sad day. Emily's former husband was buried in Spanish Fork cemetery. He took his own life, and we'll never really know why, but he did struggle with depression, and made alot of poor choices in life. The best choices he made were to have 2 beautiful children that we treasure. Emily has handled this situation so well, and Todd and I are so proud of her. She is doing fine, but keep her in your prayers. It has been a hard year for us, and I am looking forward to 2009. But through everything, I can see blessings, and am greatful for them!


Mike & Cody said...

Jones, we love you guys and hope that you can look up to the stars and see the blessings. I know how hard it is but you guys are the best. I am amazed at Emily and the strong person she is. She will be OK and I love her. I would do anything for your family and am so grateful to have friends like you. Hang in there and let me know if I can do anything for you. Love you, Cody

kris mair said...

I am so proud of em too.. She is so amazing. Such a cute mom! She must have great parents! Love you guys!