Wednesday, November 12, 2014

ABuSh turns 20 in the Mission Field!

Sure hope he likes his birthday umbrella!! A little rainy day fund, which comes at a great time, since his wallet was stolen!!! We included a cake mix, frosting, candles and treats! Sure miss that kid!


Born November 11, 2014   8#9oz ~ 21 inches long ~beautiful dark hair ~and man hands!! We couldn't love him more!!!
I LOVE being a Grandma!

Auntie Meg

NICEST hospital room I have EVER seen!!!

Baby Burraston will be here soon!!!

Little get together at our favorite dessert place! The Chocolate~ So much fun spending time together. Fun games, and nice gifts to help Em get ready!!


Megan invited us all over for chili and donuts! So yummy! We always have so much fun getting together, but we sure missed Brit and her family! I think the grown ups have more fun than the kids!!!