Tuesday, May 31, 2011


McKenna Meservy asked Abush to MORP! It's Prom backwards, and they try to spend as little money as they can! They went to a friends to play games, paint their shirts, and then went to Wendy's for dinner. Then off to the dance. They had a great time, and she even got him home before he turned into a Pumpkin....

Birthday Partay!!

PINKALICIOUS PARTY! Meg and Andy had a bbq with great food, games, presents and fun!

LIVVY IS 2! Grandma is .... oh nevermind!

Olivia and her tutu~~ so so cute.

Princess for a day....for Grandma....Livvy is a princess EVERYDAY!

Graduation days...

Tye graduated from 6th grade! Now he's on to JR. HIGH!!!

And Little Miss Preslee graduated from kindergarten, and will be going all day long in first grade! She even gets to eat school lunch with her friends!

Ryan and Emily sittin' in a tree.....

GETTING ENGAGED! And we couldn't be happier!!! Ryan is a great guy, who loves Emily and the kids...so we love him!

Mama's Day...2011

These are a few of my favorite things...and people!
Meg and her 3 amigo's~

Brit holding baby Madelyn!

Emily and her beautiful kids~

All My Children...hey we should make a show!

Andy's Mom was here visiting!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baby Girl Sears is here!!!

Beautiful BABY GIRL! Perfect 7#2oz, 18.5 inches, and lots of auburn hair.
Madelyn Mae Sears....finally she has a name!

We just can't get enough of her! Livvy thinks it is so funny when she cries..... Granpa just loves the babies!

My beautiful girls!

Being a Grandma is HEAVEN on EARTH!

Baby Girl Sears...shower!

Emily threw a "surprise" baby shower for Meg. She pretty much gave everything away when she moved~She didn't have any idea, which makes it so much more fun! She got lots of nice presents from good friends and family.

The boys had so much fun looking at all the little clothes...and opening the presents with Meg!

Easter 2011

Andy, Carson and Olivia came over on Saturday. Meg had been up all night, thinking the baby was ready to come....nope. So they came over to visit and Meg slept! Good thing they did, 'cause we needed help dying the eggs for Easter. We had great fun, doing it the old fashioned way, with food coloring, vinegar and water. And Grandpa showed them how to make designs with a crayon!

It says "Carson"

Easter morning! Good thing these boys still believe in the Easter bunny, because if they didn't he wouldn't come and bring them treats!

Easter Egg hunt in the back yard. The weather held out for us, and it was so fun!

Jalair's LOOT!

Thanks for the help Abush!

Livvy found one!

Great times!