Sunday, March 14, 2010

Todd's 48th birthday gift

Emily, Preslee and Cash gave Todd a ride on the skeleton up at Park City Olympic Park. He was so stoked, and loved every minute of it! He is already planning another ride~and I tease him that he is probably too old to train for the olympics....It was really an interesting place, with a museum and fun things to try.

FFA State Degree

Tate went to Cedar City for State Convention. They stay for 3 days, and have lots of fun with FFA members from all over. He received his State Degree, which is the highest degree he can earn! They had a luncheon for the parents which was so good. Chicken Cordon Blue. WAY TO GO TATE!!!

Abush in Shakespeare

Abush was in the school play "The taming of the shrew" The kids did such a GREAT job. Abush performed as 2 statues...One lion and the other a soldier. We were all so amazed that he could actually stand still for that long...AND be quiet! hahaha He did a fantastic job, and really enjoyed the drama experience!