Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More pics!

ABEL Christmas Party 2009

We had a great time playing games...DON"T EAT SANTA, and speed scrabble! Great food, and always so fun to be together!!!

Brittney's Birthday

Tate and Shawny

Preferance Dance December 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy TURKEY day!

All the girls!

This stuff is way better than baby food!

YUMMY as usual! Everyone did a great job on their food assignment! The girls even MADE the pies! I am so impressed!!! Todd always does a great job on the turkey, and we had leftovers to make croquette's!

I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday....

November 24, 2009.
Provo Temple
He's OURS...forever, for always and no matter what!!!

It was a beautiful day! Emily and Brit had a lunch for us at Em's house, and Jenny came down too! So fun to be together~

FUN pictures!

We had a great day at GandG Abel's house! We surprised them with Meg and the kids~